Friday, September 05, 2008

A Gem of Reality

OK - I get easily excited :-)

Doing some very heavy reading today in a chapter titled - 
"Philosophical Presuppositions of Biblical Errancy" and came across this phrase: 
"The Bible is a personal love letter from the personal God to persons He loves.  We are not confronted in Scripture with the choice between God's revelation and the God of that revelation.  All we know about God comes through His revelation.  There are indeed times when one revelational command of God conflicts with another (as obeying God over parents [Matt. 10:37],.....  There is no way to know that God is giving the command unless we have some revelational knowledge about who it is that is commanding us."

Revelational knowledge comes from a personal relationship with God!  Without that relationship we are leaves blowing in the wind!  The whole idea of the Bible being a personal love letter helps drive my dependency on it completely.


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