Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why do I run?

I get asked this question often.   I wish there was just one answer or at least a 'simple' answer to this question.  Sometimes I find myself asking this question when the alarm goes off way before the sun comes up.   The answer can and does vary a bit, but the foundation is always based on "Because I can!"  It was not always that way.  Heck for the first few years of my running 'career' it was a deep love / hate relationship.  It is that way when you are carrying around 50 extra pounds on a pretty small frame.  But over time it began to change.  I actually started to enjoy the feeling, the transformation, the "pain" of it all.  God gave me this great gift or perseverance.  I didn't always think it was a gift.  More like the ever present reality that I was born at the shallow end of the gene pool.  Growing up with 3 brothers that were academic and sport all-stars.  I was the black sheep who was challenged in school and in sports.  So in the midst of that I had to work harder at things, even things that I enjoyed - nothing came easy.  During that time God was already at work shaping me for his mission, I just thought it was to discourage me :-)   But now as I reflect on this hard years, I realize that it prepared me for life as a husband, father, disciple, coach, friend, business owner, etc.   God gave me the ability to find the comfort in discomfort.  I experienced that in a physical way through sport, that allowed me to reflect on how I experience in a powerful way in life.  Running is all about perseverance, about a willingness to enjoy the ability to run.

I am in the midst of transformation that I can sense in a powerful way.  For a long time running was all about the destination, the race, the podium.  But even in that I was always driven to train and the 'event' was just part of how I was kept focused.   Now - I am driven increasingly by the journey not the hardware.  I am currently training for a 40 mile ultra-marathon that doesn't exist on paper.  I guess if it had a name it would be '40 miles - because I can'.   I run because I can and because it reminds me of how great life is :-)

Run for Life -


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